Module #2: Policies and Procedures


"Teaching is a very noble profession that shapes the character, caliber, and future of an individual."

The Clinical Practicum and Student Teaching Handbook serves as a guide for student teachers, cooperating teachers, and college supervisors regarding Edgewood College practicum and student teaching field experience teaching policies, procedures, and expectations. Some education programs may supplement this handbook with program-specific information or forms. These programs include ACE, ASP, and CCSE.

Please read the information in the handbook carefully prior to the start of the field experience and contact the Coordinator of Clinical Experience, or the college supervisor with questions or concerns.

You may access the handbook during the student teaching experience as well, if you have questions regarding your student teacher and how to best support them in their placement.

Edgewood College Clinical Practicum and Student Teaching Handbook

Module #2 Assignment - Getting Ready


Module #3: Mentoring a Student Teacher