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The Credit for Prior Learning Program helps undergraduate students satisfy Edgewood College requirements for relevant learning gained through work or other life experience. There are two major ways to get credit: Through proficiency examinations and through the Portfolio process.

CLEP and DSST Examinations

These are nationally standardized examinations. They are multiple-choice and are graded on a Pass/Fail basis. There is an administration fee for each examination, but there is no cost for the Edgewood College credit you earn for successful completion of the exams. Study guides and registration information for CLEP exams are available from the website. Study guides for the DSST/DANTES exams are available from the website. Please contact the Coordinator of Credit for Prior Learning ( to confirm specific test credit equivalency.

Portfolio Process

For courses or general education tags with no proficiency exam, you may develop a portfolio to demonstrate mastery of the content of the course or Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO’s) of the tag. The portfolios are developed under the direction of the Coordinator of Credit for Prior Learning and an expert in the discipline relative to the course or tag.

Portfolios for major courses are evaluated by the department responsible for the course. For general education tags, the portfolios are evaluated by a committee consisting of: 1) The expert in the discipline; 2) a member of the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, and 3) the Coordinator of Credit for Prior Learning. Further information on the portfolio process by contacting the Coordinator of Credit for Prior Learning, (608-663-6859;

Credit for Prior Learning Policies

All Credit for Prior Learning exams and portfolios must be completed a minimum of one semester before your graduation, excluding summer. Exceptions to this policy must be approved by the Vice President for Academic Affairs/Academic Dean.

A maximum of 60 credits may be earned through all methods of earning credit for prior learning.

The Credit for Prior Learning Program helps students get academic requirements fulfilled through prior experiences, to receive credits through prior experiences, or both. If only academic requirements are to be fulfilled, that will be accomplished through Special Arrangement Forms. If credits are needed as well, those credits can be purchased at 40% of the per credit rate.

There is a $150 fee for the evaluation of a portfolio. The fee applies whether or not the portfolio is approved.

Students will meet with the Coordinator of the Credit for Prior Learning Program to discuss the requirements of the portfolio and the process. For more information contact the Coordinator of the Credit for Prior Learning Program, (608-663-6859;