Students Protest On Campus: โ€˜We Are Hereโ€™

  • Friday, Dec 6, 2019

Madison, Wis. (December 6, 2019) – In the wake of a protest by students, faculty, and staff on campus today, Mary Ellen Gevelinger, O.P., Interim President, renewed her call for community and partnership.

At issue is a dispute over when and why the document called Off-Campus Wellness Resources, which the College provides for its students, was removed from public access on a College web page. That document contains the phone numbers and a web link for two Madison Planned Parenthood clinics, in addition to more than thirty other clinics, hospitals, and human services organizations in Madison.

In response to a student request made at a Thursday meeting, Edgewood College made the Off-Campus Wellness Resources document available to all students, faculty, and staff on the College’s internal website. That announcement was to be made at today’s gathering, which was organized by the Student Senate.

“At a meeting with students on Thursday, we had what I had hoped was a productive discussion,” Gevelinger said. “When today’s session on campus became a protest overnight – with students inviting local media and the announcement to live stream the protest – it became clear the meeting would be an opportunity to divide our community further and the broader community would view this as though we weren’t unified in our fight against hatred.”

Late today Gevelinger reached out via email to the President of the Student Senate to reschedule today’s meeting and to continue the conversation in partnership and community.

“We reject these organizations – and any groups – that seek to tear at the fabric of our community,” Gevelinger said. “Every student and every colleague is valued here. We do not tolerate intolerance.”