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Personal Counseling Services provides free, confidential mental health services, such as individual counseling, to Edgewood College students. Visit the Personal Counseling Services page to learn more.

Below is a comprehensive list of additional on-campus, local, and national resources that support student mental health and wellbeing.

Crisis Resources / Mental Health Emergencies

What To Do in a Crisis

If you are experiencing a mental health emergency during business hours and would like to be seen by a counselor, please call PCS at 608-663-4148 or stop by Dominican 122. Based on your symptoms, we have protocols in place to either see you immediately or schedule you for the next available appointment, typically the following business day. If an emergency occurs after hours, please use the following emergency phone numbers and/or emergency rooms.

  • Madison Police Department Emergency | 911
  • Edgewood College Security | (608) 663-4321
  • On campus residents can notify their RA or a Residence Life staff member, who can connect you with an on-call counselor.
  • 24-Hour Crisis Line of Dane County | (608) 280-2600
  • National Crisis Text Line | Text “HOME to 741-741 (available 24/7/365)
  • National Suicide Prevention Hotline | Call or Text 988
  • National 24-hour LGBT Crisis Hotline | (866) 488-7386 | The Trevor Project
  • Veterans Crisis Line | Call 988, then Press 1 | Text 838255 | Confidential chat
  • A more comprehensive Dane County Emergency Card can be found here.

University of Wisconsin Hospital (608) 263-6400 600 Highland Ave. Madison 53792 Emergency Room (608) 262-2398 Psychiatric Unit (B6/5) (608) 263-7525

UnityPoint Health Meriter (608) 417-6000 202 South Park Street Madison 53715 Emergency Room (608) 417-6206 Psychiatric Unit (1 East) (608) 417-5330

SSM Health St. Mary’s Hospital (608) 251-6100 700 South Park Street Madison 53715 Emergency Room (608) 251-6100 Psychiatric Unit (608) 258-6697

William S Middleton Memorial Veterans Hospital (608) 256-1901 | (888) 478-8321 2500 Overlook Terrace Madison 53705 Veterans Crisis Line (800) 273-8255 (press 1) 24 Hour Telephone Care Service (888) 598-7793

Suicide Prevention

Seize the Awkward | Talk With A Friend About Mental Health | This resource from the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention can help with navigating challenging conversations about mental health and thoughts of suicide.

The JED Foundation Mental Health Resource Center

Safe Communities | This local resource provides information and support around suicide prevention, drug harm reduction & recovery, and other public safety concerns.

Means Matter | This resource from Harvard educates about the importance of reducing lethal means for suicide prevention.

Students can reduce risk for themselves and others by taking the following steps:

  • Take any expired or unneeded over the counter or prescription medications to the drop-off site located in the Safety & Security office in Weber Hall.
  • Do not keep lethal doses of any medication on hand. Work with your doctor or pharmacist to make sure you have only a safe amount in your residence.
  • Consider keeping medications locked in a safe place. Small prescription safes are able free of charge from Safety & Security, Residence Life, and the Wellness Center.
  • Take any unneeded sharp objects to the sharps disposal container located in the Safety & Security office in Weber Hall.
  • Firearms are prohibited on campus. Those who have access to firearms off campus are encouraged to follow best practices for safe gun storage. Free cable gun locks are available through the Madison Police Department.

Local Mental Health Providers

Mental Health Counselors

Please note that if you would like insurance to cover the services, it’s important to check with your insurance provider. You can do this by calling the number on the back of your insurance card and asking to connect with someone about behavioral or mental health care coverage.

Connections Counseling | (608) 593-5133
Counseling Psychology Training Clinic at UW-Madison | (608) 265-8779
Family Service Madison | (608) 252-1320
Family Therapy Center of Madison | (608) 276-9191
Group Health Cooperative | (608) 828-4853
Harmonia, Madison Center for Psychotherapy | (608) 255-8838
Integral Psychology Center | (608) 255-9330
Madison Psychiatric Associates | (608) 274-0355
Mental Health Solutions | (608) 829-1800
Psychology Research & Training Clinic at UW-Madison | (608) 262-5925
SSMHealth Dean Medical Group
The Family Center | (608) 663-6154
The Psychology Center | (608) 833-9290
UWHealth Psychiatric Institute and Clinic Behavioral Health Clinic | (608) 263-6100

Low-Cost Counseling Options

Catholic Charities | (608) 826-8000
Journey Mental Health | (608) 280-2720
The Family Center | (608) 663-6154
UW-Madison Counseling Psychology Training Clinic (CPTC) | (608) 265-8779

The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) has a more comprehensive guide to Navigating the Dane County Mental Health System, available here.

Psychiatric Services

Psychiatrists most commonly prescribe medications for your mental health. However, some may also provide therapy services.

Please note that if you would like insurance to cover the services, it’s important to check with your insurance provider. You can do this by calling the number on the back of your insurance card and asking to connect with someone about psychiatric care coverage.

Access Community Health CentersJoyce and Marshall Erdman Clinic | (608) 443-5480
Access Community Health CentersWingra Family Medical Center (608) 263-3111

Centers with Evening Hours

The Family Center | (608) 663-6154

Journey Mental Health | (608) 280-2720


*Students may have additional options based on their health insurance. If you would like assistance with referrals, please contact us at 608-663-4148 or and ask for a consultation appointment to discuss community referrals.

Resources for Specific Concerns

Detoxification and Substance Abuse

Detoxification and Treatment Programs

    • Connections Counseling| (608) 233-2100 (extension 10 to make an appointment) | Outpatient services; University Student specialty.
    • Journey Mental Health Center| (608) 280-2700 | Clinical Assessment Unit
    • Lake Monona Psychotherapy & Recovery Center| (608) 256-5030 | Outpatient services
    • NewStart| (608) 417-8144 | Affiliated with Meriter Hospital offering assessment, court-related services, detox, inpatient and outpatient Services.
    • Tellurian| (877) 661-9051 | Wide range of services available for individuals struggling with substance use.
    • UW Health’s Gateway Recovery | (608) 278-8270 | Outpatient care, group therapy, and legal/court-related assessment.

Support Around Substance Use

    • Al-Anon Family Groups | Support in the Madison area for those affected by another’s substance abuse/dependence.
    • Badger Recovery | Edgewood College students are eligible to attend UW-Madison’s Badger Recovery meetings following a brief Zoom consultation. These meetings are for students in or considering recovery from addiction, including but not limited to alcohol misuse, cannabis misuse, eating concerns, gaming addiction, or other addictive behaviors.
    • Local AA | Madison Area meeting list
    • Local NA | Badgerland Area meeting list
    • Madison Alcoholics Anonymous | (608) 222-8989 | 12-Step Recovery from alcoholism.
    • SMART Recovery of Madison | (608) 520-0458 | Alternative to AA offering self-help meetings for recovery from alcohol and/or other drugs.
    • Taking a Cannabis Tolerance Break | University of Vermont Center for Health & Wellbeing
    • Wisconsin Tobacco Quit line | (800) QUIT-NOW / (800) 784-8669 | Phone consultation and free medication for individuals who want to quit smoking.

Other Drug Information

Disordered Eating and Body Image

National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) | (800) 931-2237 – Help Line | Text “NEDA” to 741-741 to connect with a trained volunteer on the Crisis Text Line.

Rogers Behavioral Health | (608) 238-4411

Relationship Violence

In case of an emergency, call 911. To report an incident to the City of Madison Police, call (608) 225-2345. To report an incident to the college, contact the Dean of Students Office at (608) 663-2212, or Edgewood College Security at (608) 663-4321.

If you would like to discuss your options for reporting in a confidential manner, the following are confidential, on-campus resources:

  • Personal Counseling Services | (608) 663-4148
  • Health Services | (608) 663-8334
  • Gretchen Baumgardt, Vice President for Mission Integration | (608) 663-3292

Domestic Abuse Intervention Services (DAIS) | (608) 251-4445 | Services include their 24-hour help line, legal services, support groups, safety planning, and emergency shelter.

End Domestic Abuse Wisconsin

Family Service Madison | (608) 252-1320 | Comprehensive Anti-Violence Services for Survivors and Perpetrators.

How to get a restraining order in Wisconsin

Resources for Specific Populations

Autism Spectrum Disorder & Neurodiversity


  • Common Threads| (608) 838-8999 | Therapeutic and educational services for individuals on the autism spectrum and their families.
  • Scott Allen, LPC-IT, Lifestance Health | (608) 236-4460 | Individual and group counseling.

Community Resources

  • Autism Society of South-Central Wisconsin| (608) 630-9147 | Dedicated to improving the lives of all who are impacted by autism by providing information, resources and support, while raising awareness and acceptance in our community. Adult services include information and referrals, support and social groups, game nights, and college scholarships.

 Clinics that Assess & Diagnose Autism Spectrum Disorder

BIPOC Resources
  • Edgewood College’s Multicultural Student Lounge | Located in Predolin 206
  • Anesis Therapy Center| (608) 268-6530 | Established to bring more culturally competent mental health care in Dane County. Counseling services are offered in English, Spanish, Albanian, and Hmong.
  • Centro Hispano of Dane County| (608) 255-3018 | Provides social services and other support.
  • Kajsiab House| (608) 280-4760 | Developed for the Hmong community, as a place in which families can be safe, express and experience their culture, as well as increase their understanding and the ability to live successfully within an American cultural context.
  • Southeast Asian Healing Center| (608) 405-5889 | Serving the Hmong, Lao and Khmer communities of the Greater Madison Area, the Southeast Asian Healing Center offers culturally and linguistically appropriate case management, crisis intervention, individual and family support, and advocacy.
  • Southeast Asian Outreach | (608) 280-2560 | Services designed to make mental health services more accessible and acceptable to Southeast Asian individuals and families in Dane County.
  • Ujima Program| (608) 280-2519 or (608) 280-2700 | Services are dedicated to promoting the self-identity and quality of life of African American families who are affected by alcohol and other drug abuse, trauma, and other mental health related issues.
LGBTQ+ Resources

Campus & Community Resources

  • Edgewood College’s Queer Student Center| Located in Predolin 208
  • OutReach | (608) 255-8582 | Offers peer counseling, support groups, referral assistance, and other services.

Mental Health Providers

Military & Veterans


  • Military & Veterans Services at Edgewood College | (608) 663-4266 | | Located at 122 DeRicci Hall
  • County Veterans Service Office (CVSO)| Contact to find out if you or your family qualify for local, state or federal Veterans’ benefits. CVSOs work with the United States Department of Veterans Affairs, the Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs, and other Veterans Service Organizations to make sure you get all the Veteran benefits you are eligible for.
  • Job Center of Wisconsin | (888) 258-9966 | Offers job search support to veterans.
  • Madison Vet Center | (608) 264-5342 | Offers mental health counseling, job counseling, and benefits counseling and referral. In addition to serving veterans, the Vet Center offers bereavement counseling to parents, spouses, and children of armed forces personnel who died in service to their country.
  • Madison Veterans Affairs | (608) 256-1901 | In addition to medical and mental health services, the Madison VA offers a Complementary Medicine and Wellness Program. This includes individual sessions and group classes on mindfulness, relaxation, yoga, Tai Chi, and more.
  • Team RWB – Madison| A group of veterans, active military, reserves, national guard, family members, and civilians that come together in the Madison area for physical activity, social activities, and community service.
  • Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs (WDVA)| (800) WIS-VETS / (800) 947-8387 |​ Works on behalf of the Wisconsin Veteran community — veterans, their families, and surviving family members — in recognition of their service and sacrifice to our state and nation.​​​​
  • Wisconsin Hero Outdoors | Help connect veterans, first responders, and their families to outdoor activities in Wisconsin.
  • Veterans Crisis Line | Call 988, then Press 1 | Text “838255” | Confidential Chat

Reporting and Support for Sexual Violence

If you or someone you know has experienced sexual violence, support is available. The information below provides specific details on how to report incidents, and access confidential resources both on and off-campus. We are here to ensure your safety, offer guidance, and connect you with the help that is available. Learn more about Title IX including how it protects students’ rights, the process for filing a report, and the resources available to support survivors.

On-Campus Confidential Resources

If you would like to discuss an incident in a confidential manner, or learn more about your rights without necessarily filing a report with the college, the following resources are available.

Note that these are the only resources on campus that are considered confidential when informed of sexual violence. Other staff and faculty are obligated to share information about sexual violence with the Director of Student Conduct and/or the Title IX Coordinator.

Personal Counseling Services

Health Services

Gretchen Baumgardt, Vice President for Mission Integration

Campus Policies

You can find the college’s sexual misconduct and relationship violence policy in the Student Handbook. Additional information regarding policies and procedures, victim rights, and campus crime rates are included in the annual Security and Fire Safety Reports.

Options for Reporting Sexual Violence

Edgewood College students, faculty, and staff have the reporting options listed below. “Reporting” means that an investigation into the incident may take place. Reporting is a personal decision, and efforts are made to take the victim or survivor’s lead in deciding whether to proceed with an investigation. If the incident is deemed a continued danger to the campus community, a notice without any information identifying the victim or survivor would be sent as an .

Note that any staff or faculty member other than those listed in the “confidential resources” section above must inform the Director of Student Conduct and/or the Title IX Coordinator if/when they are given information about an incident related to sexual violence.

1) Reporting to Edgewood College

  • For urgent needs, contact Edgewood College Safety & Security by calling 608-663-4321.
  • Students can contact the Dean of Students Office at 608-663-2212 to file a report.
  • Staff and faculty can contact Arhelia Dalla Costa Behm, Title IX Coordinator, at 608-663-4304 or email to file a report.

2) Reporting to the Police

  • For urgent needs, call 911.
  • If the incident took place in Madison and the need is no longer immediate, call the City of Madison Police non-emergency line at (608) 225-2345.
  • If the incident occurred outside of Madison and the need is no longer immediate, call the police in that area.

3) Report to both Edgewood College and the Police

4) Neither – Choose not to report the incident. The victim or survivor can also choose to report the incident later.

Off-Campus Confidential Resources

Sexual Violence Resource Center | (608) 251-7273 – 24-hour Help Line

The Sexual Violence Resource Center (formerly the Rape Crisis Center or the RCC) has advocates and counselors available. Advocates can provide education, help victims and survivors navigate their medical and legal needs, and review the reporting options available.

Forensic Nurse Examiners Program | (608) 417-5916
Victims and survivors are strongly encouraged to participate in this program. Services include a physical injury exam and collection of evidence (i.e., a “rape kit”). Evidence is kept for 10 years, and the victim or survivor has the right to choose whether they report the crime to the police at any point in time. If the crime is reported, the evidence collected may later be useful to the victim or survivor’s case.

Victims and survivors of strangulation are also encouraged to utilize this program. Services may include medical examination, use of a black light to detect bruises, photo collection, and/or swabbing the neck for DNA.

The cost of services may be covered by the “Wisconsin Safe Fund” if there is a financial need and/or you do not wish to use your insurance plan. The Forensic Nurse Examiner Program is available at the UnityPoint Health Meriter Emergency Room. Their address is 202 S. Park Street (Madison).

Crime Victim Compensation (CVC) | (608) 264-9497

Organization that can help pay for expenses incurred as the result of a crime. Call to inquire about your eligibility.

UNIDOS of Wisconsin | (800) 510-9195 – Help Line

Provides advocacy services in English and Spanish. Types of support offered include legal advocacy, assistance with filing a restraining order, immigration information, accompaniment to court, and support groups. (click here to access the website in Spanish)

Domestic Abuse Intervention Services (DAIS) | (800) 747-4045 or (608) 251-4445

Offers support to individuals in situations involving domestic or dating violence. Services include crisis response, emergency shelter, and support groups.

Freedom Inc.

Freedom Inc. provides culturally competent advocacy and support to victims and survivors of sexual assault or domestic or dating violence. Their mission is to end violence against people of color, women, those that non-traditionally gender identify, youth, and elders, and to promote a healthy lifestyle.

Deaf Unity Wisconsin

Deaf Unity provides services in American Sign Language (ASL), including offering emotional support, information and education, and accompaniment to court or medical appointments.

Disability Rights Wisconsin

Disability Rights Wisconsin provides advocacy to crime victims with disabilities. This may include emotional support, legal advice, or assistance with accessing disability services.

Rise Law Center

The Rise Law Center offers legal representation regarding family law, restraining orders, and immigration and visas.

Community Justice Inc.

This is a non-profit law firm that provides representation to victims or survivors of sexual violence, domestic violence, and dating violence. Identify yourself as a student and inquire about their sliding scale fees.