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What is Title IX?

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 is a comprehensive federal law intended to end sex discrimination in all areas of education. Title IX made non-discrimination based on gender a condition of participation in federally funded education programs. It guarantees equal access to educational programs funded by the federal government and applies to all recipients of federal funds – both public and private institutions, though there are religious exemptions. It also applies to educational program equity, such as in athletics, and also to sexual harassment, sexual assault, sexual exploitation, relationship violence, domestic violence, and stalking. Although Title IX applies to gender discrimination, like Title VII, it did not recognize sexual harassment as a form of discrimination until 1992 (Franklin v. Gwinnett Public Schools).

Deputy Title IX Coordinators
Sherley Thao, HR Manager

Jack Leskovar, Director of Security
Catherine Kiesler, Director for Community Standards and Student Wellbeing


Arhelia Dalla Costa Behm, Chief Human Resources Officer/Vice President for Administration, is the College’s Title IX Coordinator. The Title IX Coordinator serves as the campus’ primary point of contact for those seeking information or wanting to report sexual harassment/sexual misconduct. The Title IX Coordinator is available to meet with those who believe they have been victimized. The Title IX Coordinator can also provide information as well as refer to sources of support.

You can reach the Title IX Coordinator during business hours at 608-663-2387 or at

Confidential Campus Resources

Disclosing information can help with healing and being informed on resources and victim rights.
The following staff members can help you.

Personal Counseling Staff
Dominican 121-122 (Lakeside Entrance) |608-663-4148

Health Services Staff
Dominican 123 (Lakeside Entrance) | 608-663-8334

Gretchen Baumgadt
Interim Chief Mission and Ministry Officer
DerRicci 222 | 608-663-3292



If you report an incident of sexual misconduct to the following people, the College is required by federal law to investigate the incident.

Sherley Thao
Human Resources Manager
DeRicci 215 | 608-663-3274

Jack Leskovar
Director of Security
Weber 100 | 608-663-4321
Catherine Kiesler
Director for Community Standards and Student Wellbeing
Predolin 215 | 608-663-2212

To Report a Title IX Incident please use this form.


Sources of information and advocacy

RAINN National Sexual Assault Hotline

City of Madison Police Department
911 for emergency / 608-266-5938 for non-emergency

The Dane County Rape Crisis Center offers support and information for anyone who has experienced past or recent sexual assault. All services are confidential. A Rape Crisis Center counselor is also on site on campus during specific weekday times.  Please contact Personal Counseling for a schedule.
608-251-7273 (24-hour hotline)

Domestic Abuse Intervention Services

Title IX Trainings

Edgewood College is committed to creating a safe environment for everyone. ​Part of that commitment is to ensure that our Title IX Team members are trained in best practices to address ​sex discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual violence and other forms of sexual misconduct. In accordance with the Title IX Regulations as required in August 2020 by OCR, materials for the trainings completed by our team are available below.

August 2022 – Grand River Solutions: August 2022: Conducting Fair, Thorough, and Trauma-Informed
Sexual Violence Investigations (Trainings Calendar) – 2-day training
April 2023 – Grand River Solutions: Title IX Athletics Proposed Rule Summary Session
June 2023 – Grand River Solutions: Title IX Investigator Training 2-day training
June 2023 – Grand River Solutions: Title IX Investigative Report Writing Workshop
Aug 9, 2022 – Trauma Informed Investigator Training (pdf)
Jan 10, 2022 – All Campus Title IX Training (pdf)
Feb 9, 2021 – Title IX Advisors Training (pdf)
Feb 9, 2021 – Title IX Advisor (link)
Nov 12, 2020 – Rape Culture Campus Climate (video)
Nov 2, 2020 – Bias and Microaggressions (pdf)
Jun 23, 2020 – Fact Pattern – Title IX training (pdf)
May 6, 2020 – New OCR Title IX Regulations (pdf)