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Madison, Wis. (December 7, 2023) – Henry J. Predolin Foundation is pleased to announce a grant of $925,000 to Edgewood College. With this grant, Edgewood College will provide approximately 135 students with Predolin
Scholarships, serving all class standings, including transfer students. 

“Since 2008, the College has benefitted from generous grants from the late Henry Predolin through his foundation,” Andrew Manion, President of Edgewood College, said. “The legacy of his dedication to higher education
continues to manifest itself through the success of our students. These exceptionally talented Edgewood College students and alumni serve their communities in Wisconsin and across the nation. We are humbled by Mr.
Predolin’s generosity.”

Over the years, Edgewood College has received a total of more than $13.4 million in support from Predolin Foundation. Grants from Predolin Foundation are made annually to support undergraduate students majoring in
Business, Nursing, and Science degree programs. In addition to Predolin Scholarships, past funds have been used to purchase equipment and aid capital construction to the benefit of students engaged in those academic
areas, including the Henry Predolin School of Nursing. Predolin Foundation continues to be among Edgewood College’s largest and most far-reaching benefactors.

“Henry Predolin recognized the importance of higher education and service to others while realizing many deserving students cannot afford to obtain a college degree,” Bob Chritton, Predolin Foundation President, said.
“Mr. Predolin was moved to make a difference, particularly at Edgewood College. Predolin Foundation’s Board of Directors is pleased to sustain Mr. Predolin’s vision through grants which have already reached more than 600
student scholarship recipients. He would be proud of how his foundation has assisted so many Edgewood College students obtain their college degrees. Announcing this grant was one of the highlights of the year for
Predolin Foundation’s Board of Directors.”

Henry Predolin served on the Board of Trustees of Edgewood College between 1988 and 1991, and was instrumental in forming the campus master plan vision. Mr. Predolin was known for his unwavering work ethic and strong
attention to detail. Mr. Predolin established Henry J. Predolin Foundation to honor the memory of his son, Henry J. Predolin.
