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Madison, Wis. (December 10, 2018) – Edgewood College is honored to host the Bringing the Gifts That My Ancestors Gave Black History Education Conference. This event features education   experts Dr. Gloria Ladson-Billings, Professor Emerita and former Kellner Family Distinguished Professor in Urban Education at UW-Madison, and Dr. Mahalia Hines, public education champion and President of the COMMON Ground Foundation in Chicago.

The conference is February 15-16, 2019, at Edgewood College and the Madison Concourse Hotel.

“Our deep commitment to the value of partnership and vision for inclusion continues to elevate the importance of being in and part of the community,” Tony Garcia, Executive Director of Diversity and Inclusion at Edgewood College, said. “This community-based conference is an opportunity for educators, practitioners, and families across the state of Wisconsin to engage in meaningful dialogue on how best to promote and model academic excellence.”

“In keeping with the spirit of the new year and renewed commitments to inclusion, this conference will provide you with tools that will help you breathe new life into your instructional practices,” Andreal Davis, President and CEO of Cultural Practices That Are Relevant, LLC, said.  “This conference will feature 22 evidence-based interventions associated with Black students’ educational outcomes and development.”

To learn more about the conference and to register, please visit:

About Cultural Practices That Are Relevant, LLC.:
The mission of Cultural Practices That Are Relevant, LLC. is to draw from our highest order models and traditional ways of being and knowing to bring the best that we have to offer by mobilizing and sharing research based best practices and models that exist across the country. In doing so, the foundation of our mission will be to breathe new life into our practices by learning from the past to create the future “Sankofa” and come together in a way that demonstrates the philosophy of “Ubuntu” “I Am, Because We Are.” Thus we will close achievement, attitude, opportunity gaps that will allow our children to see and be the highest order model of their “possible selves.”
