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Artists with Tarrell and Wells
President Flanagan continues to highlight the work of art students in his office. The latest collection features the work of Allison Berryman ‘18, Ellen Bass, Caitlyn Josten ’18, and Alicia Picard and was unveiled at the end of Spring semester 2018.

President Flanagan and Picard“Each year work is selected from the annual juried student exhibition,” David Wells, Director of the Edgewood College Gallery said. “This year’s choices are outstanding examples of digital photography, printmaking, drawing and painting – reflecting both the diversity of media and caliber of instruction in the Art department.”

The works are Jellyfish, lithograph with silkscreen, Allison Berryman; Out Loud, pencil, Ellen Bass; Childhood Memories, digital photography, Alicia Picard; and Beauty in the Rain, multi-media painting, Caitlin Josten.

The two recent graduates are both outstanding students. Ms. Berryman graduated with a double major in Graphic Design and Web Design and Development, is a graduate of the Honors Program at Edgewood College, and earns her undergraduate degree Summa Cum Laude. Ms. Josten, a Graphic Design major, earned her degree Magna Cum Laude.

The student work will remain on display in the President’s office through the end of the Fall 2018 semester. Photo: l. to r. – Alicia Picard, Caitlin Josten, Ellen Bass, Allison Berryman, Art Professor Bob Tarrell, David Wells