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Madison, Wis. (August 31, 2016) – Edgewood College is one of the best colleges in the Midwest according to The Princeton Review. The well-known education services company lists the college among its “Best in the Midwest”
recommended schools in the “2017 Best Colleges: Region by Region” web feature on Only 156 colleges in twelve Midwestern states made the “Best in the
Midwest” list for 2017.

In its profile, The Princeton Review describes Edgewood College as a “small and welcoming” school with a “beautiful” campus located on Lake Wingra, and commends it for small class sizes  “so you get to know
everyone, including professors,” which makes for “a small, tight-knit education” while still allowing students to experience “a big city and the opportunities presented there.”

“We chose Edgewood College and the other outstanding institutions on this list primarily for their excellent academics,” said Robert Franek, The Princeton Review’s Senior VP-Publisher. “We also gave careful consideration
to what students enrolled at the schools reported to us about their campus experiences on our student survey for this project,” Franek added.  “We designed our 80-question survey to include questions that
prospective applicants might ask on a campus visit. Only schools that permit us independently to survey their students are eligible to be considered for our regional ‘Best’ lists, and only schools at which we see a
strong level of satisfaction among their enrolled students – whom we consider their customers – make it to our final slate of regional ‘Best’ college selections.”
