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Madison, Wis. (August 22, 2016) – Edgewood College is honored to be awarded a $16,000 grant from Attic Angel Association. The grant will support a new partnership between the College’s Early Childhood Regular and Special
Education Program, the Dane County Parent Council and the Red Arrow Head Start to develop a multicultural literacy program.

Over the next two-years the School of Education plans to relocate select Early Childhood courses to the Red Arrow Head Start campus for future teachers to learn first-hand how they can encourage the love of reading. At
the same time, parents and caregivers will learn techniques to engage with their children through reading. The courses and workshops will be complemented by a new multicultural library at the Head Start facility.

“We are so grateful to the Attic Angel Association for this opportunity,” Dr. Cynthia Perry, Associate Professor in the School of Education said. “Our vision for the partnership between Edgewood College and the Dane
County Parent Council is to empower teachers, parents, and their children to develop multi-cultural literacy strategies that cultivate a love for learning.”

Each year, the 500-member Attic Angel Association conducts three community-wide fundraising sales to support the Association’s work. In 2015-16, their focus was to extend the provision of reading and home visitation
services to children ages 3 to kindergarten.

About the Attic Angel Association

The Attic Angel Association is a not-for-profit, independent organization of volunteers who improve the quality of life within Dane County. Members meet health and human service needs through volunteer and financial
support with special concern for children and the elderly. A major focus is Attic Angel Community which provides living and health care options for older adults.
