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Madison, Wis. (June 8, 2016) – The Home Depot Foundation and Student Veterans of America (SVA) have awarded the SVA chapter at Edgewood College a grant of $4,500 to enhance the Military & Veterans Services Office on
campus, as part of their Vet Center Initiative.

The Military & Veterans Services Office was established at the College in 2011, with Matthew Schroeder ’07 as the Director. A local chapter of the Student Veterans of
America was formed immediately thereafter, with the office on the first floor of DeRicci Hall serving as the veteran’s center.

“We are honored to receive this support from the Home Depot Foundation,” Travis Schiro, president of the SVA at Edgewood College said. “Our small space is a home away from home for our student veterans and friends, and
with this support we’ll be able to enhance our surroundings, and serve our campus community in an even stronger way.”

Student Veterans of America and The Home Depot Foundation teamed up in 2014 to launch the Vet Center Initiative, offering SVA chapters a chance to compete for up to $10,000 in grant money to build or renovate a veteran
center. By 2015, 61 campuses earned $500,000 to build or rehabilitate veteran centers that benefit more than 30,000 student veterans. This year, 50 campus communities were awarded grants of up to $10,000.

About Student Veterans of America

SVA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit coalition of more than 1,300 student veteran chapters, representing more than 540,000 veterans in higher education across the country. SVA’s mission is to provide military veterans with the
resources, support, and advocacy to ease veteran and active military students’ transition into higher education and leverage military experience to launch successful careers in high-demand fields after graduation. For
more information visit
