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Mid-term exams and the pressures of life as a college student can be a challenge. That’s where ‘Dogs on Call’ comes in.

Each semester, Personal Counseling Services sponsors a program where trained therapy dogs (and their people) visit campus, providing a few moments of comfort and perspective.

“Many students miss their pets from home and providing access to therapy dogs for even a brief period of time can help students experiencing stress,” says Megan Cobb, Director of Personal Counseling Services. “It is also an opportunity for us in Personal Counseling Services to let students know about the free, confidential counseling that we offer.”

Students appear to be revitalized by the simple encounters with our ‘best friends.’ “Edgewood College had dogs on campus today for me to love and pet,” one student posted on social media. “And I don’t think I’ve ever been happier.”

Enjoy a Facebook album of ‘Dogs on Call.’
