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Chamber Singers at rehearsal

Madison, Wis. (February 9, 2016) –The Edgewood College Chamber Singers, the College’s select choral ensemble, will perform at the International Sacred Music Festival in Quito, Ecuador in March 2016.

The ensemble’s conductor is Dr. Sergei Pavlov, formerly the conductor of both the National Mixed Choir of Ecuador and Ecuador’s National Opera Theatre. When Pavlov received the prestigious invitation to the festival, he
embraced the opportunity to provide a once-in-a-lifetime experience for the College’s most talented singers.

“Quito is one of the most ancient and historically significant cities in South America,” Pavlov said. “Participation
Sergei Pavlovin this important festival will give our students a unique opportunity to expand their
cultural horizons in so many ways.”

The Chamber Singers will join an international array of talent that will be showcased in emblematic churches, including the La Compañia de Jesus, The Cathedral Church, The Basilica, and the San Francisco Church.

“The trip will allow me to learn important vocal pedagogy and rehearsal techniques that I can share in my future career,” Music education major Alejandro Barrera Real said. “But just as important, I will be part of a new
musical community.”

In addition to performing two concerts, the students will explore Quito’s colonial past, and will visit the Intinan indigenous national park, located on the equator, where unique gravitational experiments are performed.

The Edgewood College Chamber Singers are assisted in their preparations for international travel by the Center for Global Education.
