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Nursing Alumni Panel – November 20, 2015 – Class of 2015 nursing alumni Janell Bertera, Kendall Deutsch, Sara Gisseler, Megan Marquardt, Trevor Sheldon, and Mac Vesperman joined Profs. Tom Doherty and Yulia Semeniuk in the classroom to share their experiences preparing for professional life as a nurse. 

Winter Commencement – December 20, 2015 – The College welcomed over 150 new undergraduate and graduate alumni at the Winter Commencement, celebrating both on campus and at the Monona Terrace. See more photos from the day on Facebook.

Ed.D. Program Anniversary – January 15, 2016 – The College celebrated 15 years of the Educational Leadership Doctoral program with alumni, current students, and faculty.

E.C. In D.C. – January 31, 2016 – President Scott Flanagan hosts Washington, D.C. alumni for a reception and dinner 
at the Old Ebbitt Grill.