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Madison, Wis. (January 12, 2016) – Edgewood College is pleased to announce that the Henry Predolin School of Nursing has been awarded a $42,000 grant from Bader Philanthropies, Inc. to develop a statewide
collaborative among Wisconsin schools of nursing to address aging and dementia.

Project leader and nationally recognized professor of gerontology Colleen Gullickson notes, “The U.S. population over the age of 65 will more than double between 2005 and 2050. This means that all nurses will
increasingly need to become ‘geriatric generalists.’ Caring for older adults can no longer be considered a specialty practice; instead all new nurses will need to have knowledge and practice skills to meet the complex
care needs of older adults, whether this occurs in long-term care facilities, hospital inpatient units, emergency departments, or primary care settings. And to reach this goal, we need to rethink how we teach the next
generation of nurses.”

The grant from Bader Philanthropies, Inc. will establish a first-of-its-kind statewide collaborative to provide schools of nursing throughout Wisconsin access to the latest research and recognized pedagogical practices
and resources in the field of gerontology – as well as to each other’s expertise and experience.

“We are extremely grateful to Bader Philanthropies, Inc. for their leadership in this area. They have championed work in this field, and we are honored to be part of this effort,” said School of Nursing Dean Margaret
Noreuil. “We are excited to get started and look forward to hosting the first statewide conference in Spring 2016.” The conference will be in Middleton, Wis., June 9-10, 2016.
