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Madison, Wis. (September 17, 2015) – Beginning Monday, Sept. 21, and each day of Pope Francis’s historic visit to the United States, Edgewood College will join institutions across the country by turning to the same page of The Saint John’s Bible Heritage EditionThis simple act will be a rich symbol of unity and hospitality, as the College joins schools, churches, libraries and hospitals in “Illuminating the Mission: 7 Days – 7 Pages.”

According to Saint John’s Rev. Michael Patella, OSB, who chaired the scholarship effort behind the The Saint John’s Bible, “These illuminations were specifically chosen because they resonate with values Pope Francis holds dear: hospitality; concern for the poor, sick and marginalized; the dignity of all people; and care for creation.”

The Saint John’s Bible is a hand-written and illuminated Bible commissioned by the Benedictine monks of St. John’s Abbey in Collegeville, Minnesota.

This 21st Century handwritten Bible renders an ancient book with a newer translation – the New Revised Standard Version.  The script and illuminations were all done by hand, over the course of eleven years. This Bible project fills more than 1100 pages of calfskin vellum, bound in seven volumes.

The Heritage Program enables institutions to enjoy a piece of this extraordinary work, through high quality reproductions of those seven books. Only 299 sets have been created. The College acknowledges with gratitude a benefactor whose generosity provides us with “A Year with the Saint John’s Bible.” The Heritage Edition book of Gospels and Acts of the Apostles is displayed on campus and is available for campus liturgical celebrations, retreats, lectures, and classroom presentations through the end of 2015.

To view more about the Saint John’s Bible, visit

(Photo: Professor Jill Kirby discusses the Heritage Edition volume of ‘Gospels and Acts of the Apostles’ with students, Oscar Rennebohm Library, Spring 2015.)

(Homepage image: Creation, Donald Jackson, Copyright 2006, The Saint John’s Bible, Saint John’s University,
Collegeville, Minnesota, USA.)

Donald Jackson, Copyright 2003,
The Saint John’s Bible
, Saint John’s University, Collegeville,
Minnesota, USA. Used by permission. All rights res
Donald Jackson, Copyright 2003,
The Saint John’s Bible
, Saint John’s University, Collegeville,
Minnesota, USA. Used by permission. All rights res
