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Madison, Wis. (January 14, 2015) –Edgewood College has received the 2015 Community Engagement Classification from the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. Edgewood College is now one of only 361 colleges and universities across the country that hold this classification, which will remain in effect for ten years.

The classification is based on evidence of a college or university’s significant commitment to engagement with community partners both within the academic curriculum and throughout all levels and areas of the institution. In their award letter, the Foundation noted the College’s “excellent alignment among campus mission, culture, leadership, resources, and practices that support dynamic and noteworthy community engagement.”

“Building a just and compassionate world is a key part of our educational mission at Edgewood College,” President Scott Flanagan said. “One of the ways we do that is through providing opportunities for students to meaningfully engage in improving the quality of our local community. I am thrilled that our distinctive work in this area, carried out with so many community partners, has been recognized by the Carnegie Foundation.”

Examples of programs highlighted in the Carnegie Foundation application include pre-college and college access programs for K-12 students, science outreach programs, and bilingual licensing and degree programs for K-12 teachers; service scholarship programs such as Community Scholars and the Bonner Leaders Program; resources for Dane County, including The Family Center, and The Center for Health Education and Simulation; and community-centered academic and curricular programs including the COR General Education Program, and the Sustainability Leadership Program.
