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Twins in news paper article with small blurb accompanying their pictures

MADISON, Wis. – The performance of two Edgewood College student-athletes has grabbed the attention of a major national publication. The October 7 edition of Sports Illustrated features Eagle sophomore twin sisters Jessie and Taylor Pampuch in the popular “Faces in the Crowd” section. The magazine arrived at subscribers’ homes on Thursday and has also hit newsstand shelves.
SI Cover

On September 18 at Warner Park, Jessie and Taylor both scored their first career goals in the same game, a 5-0 shutout of Maranatha Baptist University. Taylor scored the game’s opening goal in the ninth minute capitalizing on assists from Jenna Mineau and Erin Peterson. Jessie entered the match at halftime, and scored just three minutes later on a well-placed cross from Carley Hanko.

Taylor played her freshman season at UW-Oshkosh, before transferring to Edgewood College to join her sister on coach Tim Alexander’s squad.

Jessie, who is majoring in Education and Child Life, and Taylor, who is majoring in Radiology, are the third and fourth Pampuch siblings to study and play soccer at Edgewood College. Matt Pampuch ’12 played for the Eagle men’s team from 2008-11 and Katie Pampuch ‘14 played for the Eagle women from 2010-13.
