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stephan gilchristStephan Hiroshi Gilchrist, Ed.D. will be the new Director of the Sustainability Leadership
Graduate Program starting July 1, 2014. Jim Lorman, who developed and led the Program for 4 years, and has taught at Edgewood College for 33 years, will begin phased retirement – allowing him to still teach in the Program
and help with the transition to the new director. Gilchrist will be coming to Edgewood College from the University of Wisconsin-Extension, where he is currently the Director of the Center for Inclusive and Engaged
Leadership. Gilchrist explains, “the work of the Center is very much in-line with the mission and vision of Edgewood College and the Sustainability Leadership Program where the well-being of organizations and communities is
dependent on the confluence of social, environmental, and economic factors.” Prior to his work with the Center for Inclusive and Engaged Leadership, Gilchrist was the Assistant Vice Chancellor and Chief Diversity Officer for
the University of Wisconsin Colleges and University of Wisconsin-Extension, and has taught courses at both the undergraduate and graduate levels at Portland State University in Portland, Oregon and at Wells College in
Aurora, New York. Gilchrist holds a B.A. in international business, M.S. in environmental education, M.A. in conflict resolution, and an Ed.D. in educational leadership. Gilchrist says, “I look forward to sharing my
experience and expertise in cultivating leaders to help create a healthier and more vibrant world.”