Doctorate in Educational Leadership Completion ProgramHenry Predolin School of Nursing, Business, Education, and Health Sciences
With experienced faculty and personalized guidance, Edgewood College’s EdD. completion program provides the necessary support and resources to successfully finalize your research and dissertation, ultimately advancing your career in education.
Our Doctorate of Education Completion Program is specifically designed for students who have already completed graduate coursework from an accredited institution and are now seeking to earn the remaining credit hours and complete their dissertation work. This program provides a you with a structured and supportive environment to finalize your research and successfully defend your dissertation. With a focus on practical application and advanced scholarship, our program helps you integrate previous coursework and research to build upon existing knowledge and expertise.
Our dedicated faculty members, who are experienced researchers and practitioners in the field of education, provide individualized guidance and mentoring throughout the dissertation process. We also offer a range of resources and support services to assist you in organizing your research, refining your methodology, and presenting your findings. Upon successful completion of this program, you will earn the highly respected Doctorate of Education degree and be prepared to make significant contributions to the field of education through research, leadership, and evidence-based practice.
The purpose of the Edgewood College Doctoral Completion Program is to provide the opportunity to students with advanced graduate work in an accredited education or leadership program to complete their dissertation and earn an EdD. This program is also an excellent next step for students holding an Education Specialist degree, such as those who have completed our PK-12 District Administrator Ed.S. and Licensing Program, to earn a doctoral degree and advance their careers. We also assist “all but dissertation” (ABD) students in completing their dissertation, culminating in an Ed.D. degree.
We emphasize four key components with our students:
- course work specifically focused on the dissertation
- research and writing guidance
- intensive one-on-one advising
- peer support via a cohort model.
The Edgewood College Doctoral Completion Program offers support, expert guidance, and a trusting community of learners with the aim of producing scholarly researchers, academic writers, and Edgewood College leaders.
Madison, WI
Careers with a Doctorate in Educational Leadership
Most senior positions in education and educational administration require an Ed.D. Having an Ed.D. allows you to advance within your current organization or to acquire a new job at a school or university.
Median salary for Education Administrator
Median salary for Associate Professor
Wisconsin median salary for an Academic Dean
Median salary for Training and Development Manager
Featured Courses in Educational Leadership
EDU 950 – Ed Leadership Foundations & Ethics
This course introduces students to the Dominican ethos as it relates to students’ leadership identity, professional lives, and their doctoral work. The foundations of educational leadership are the cornerstone for this course. Students will complete the necessary ethics training for conducting research and build their expertise as it relates to academic writing and scholarly research. Students will have an opportunity to build community with their cohort members as well as become familiar the tools and resources vital to their successful completion of their dissertation.
EDU 955 – Ed Leadership Research Discernment
Students are guided in making the connection between their role as an educational leader and contributing to the field of educational leadership through their dissertation research project. This course is designed to guide students as they draft the first three chapters of their dissertation. Students continue to hone their study and align the critical components of their study through instructor feedback. Students learn about and incorporate their particular research method into their prospectus. Students continue to work in writing groups, conduct peer reviews, and incorporate instructor/advisor feedback.
EDU 960 – Research Methods and IRB Proposal
Students will devote time to completing their research design, develop their instruments for collecting data, and prepare the IRB paperwork. Students will receive guidance in developing instrumentation (survey design, interview/focus group protocol, observation rubrics, etc.) Students will be introduced to Qualtrics, a survey design tool. Students will learn about the ethics of research and will develop an IRB proposal.
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Admissions Requirements
The follow dates and steps will support your application for admission.
Fall application deadline – The priority application deadline for the Doctoral Completion Program, Ed.D. is August 1 each year for an August start. Applications received after August 1 will be reviewed and accepted on a space-available basis.
Spring or summer start deadlines – Students may also start the program in January (priority deadline January 2) or May (priority deadline May 1).
- Complete and submit the Ed.D. application
- Request that official transcripts for all graduate academic degrees received from any post-secondary institutions be sent directly to Edgewood College Graduate and Professional Studies.
Admissions to the Doctoral Completion Program are based on a holistic assessment of prior learning, professional experience, and commitment to completion of the degree. To qualify:
- Transcript(s) of 24 post master’s degree credits. Credits must:
- be earned within the last 20 years
- be doctoral-level credits earned at an accredited institution
- be in an education-related or educational leadership field (*applicants who have significant work experience in the field of education or educational leadership who earned doctoral credits in a field other than education may be considered for acceptance)
- demonstrate a minimum GPA of 3.0 in doctoral-level coursework