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College Honors Martin Luther King Jr. with Dream Week

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Ed Taylor, Director of Marketing & Communications 608-663-2333

Madison, Wis. (Jan. 17, 2014) – Edgewood College will honor the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. with the inaugural DREAM Week January 20 through 24, 2014.

While faculty and staff offices will be closed to mark the national holiday on Monday, January 20, students with our Community Scholars program will take action with a group service project, creating “Welcome Home” baskets
for new clients of Madison’s ‘Porchlight.’ This group of 12 students will also attend the MLK Tribute at the State Capitol building. 

At 2:00 pm. Edgewood College hosts Wisconsin Lutheran for a men’s basketball game. The game will be played in honor of the life, legacy and achievements of Dr. King.

On Tuesday January 21, the College’s Center for Diversity & Inclusion and the Campus Activities Board will host a Unity Night, featuring spoken word poetry, games, and more.

Wednesday, January 22 will feature an appearance by the Mixed Blood Theatre, who will perform “Dr. King’s Dream.” Drawn from his own letters, sermons, books, and speeches, Mixed Blood performs this work which illuminates the
importance of honoring Dr. King with a national holiday every January. 

Also on Wednesday, the College hosts ‘Inside EC: Multicultural Open House.’ Admitted underrepresented and first-generation students are invited to campus to explore student life, get questions answered about financial aid,
and receive assistance with the completion of scholarship applications. Current students and representatives from student organizations will be on hand to help students learn more about Edgewood College. 

On Thursday, January 23, the Black Student Union will partner with President Dan Carey to host a Black History Read-In and Sit-In. Students, Faculty and Staff are invited to the President’s Office to reflect on the work of
the Civil Rights Movement. During the lunch hour, the Black Student Union will focus on the peaceful sit-in movement in which black college students were denied service at lunch counters across the United States. 

On Friday, January 24, the Center for Diversity & Inclusion will host the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Student Award Banquet. This leadership banquet honors the work of Dr. King and recognizes the great achievements of the
College’s students, faculty and staff who are committed to building a just and compassionate world. The Center for Diversity & Inclusion will award student scholarships, and two distinguished awards to faculty and staff.
Philosophy Professor Vince Kavoloski will deliver the keynote address of Dr. King’s vision of Peace Today.
