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Madison, Wis. (March 7, 2014) – One of the women at the center of a landmark civil rights decision will present the 9th annual Hatheway History Lecture at Edgewood College.

Cheryl Brown Henderson, one of the namesakes of Brown v. Board of Education, will speak at 7:00 pm, Wednesday, March 26, 2014, in Anderson Auditorium. The event is free and open to the public.

Cheryl Brown Henderson is one of the three daughters of the late Rev. Oliver L. Brown, who along with 12 other parents led by the NAACP filed a lawsuit against the Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas. Their case joined
with cases from Delaware, South Carolina, Virginia and Washington, D.C. on appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court. On May 17, 1954, Brown v. Board of Education became known as the landmark decision.

Oliver Brown died in 1961 before knowing the impact this case would have on the country. 2014 marks the 60th anniversary of the decision.

The 9th Annual Hatheway History Lecture is presented with support from the Bob and Carroll Heideman Crossing Educational Boundaries fund. 
