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Front of the Stream building

Madison, Wis. (April 9, 2014) – Edgewood College today announced that The Stream, the College’s visual and theatre arts center, has been awarded LEED® Gold certification by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC). LEED,
or Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, is the USGBC’s rating system for designing and constructing the world’s greenest, most energy efficient, and highest performing buildings. The Stream was opened for
students in August of 2012.

“We are thrilled to receive this special recognition. It really is an honor and an affirmation of what we as a community have committed to – environmental stewardship of this beautiful campus,” Edgewood College President
Dan Carey said. “The construction of this newest building on our campus was the latest team effort by our partners at Potter Lawson and J.H. Findorff. This partnership and this recognition underscore our resolve to lead
the way in reducing environmental impact,” Carey said.

Potter Lawson, Inc., a Madison-based architecture firm, was the designer of The Stream. J.H. Findorff & Son, Inc., built the center, located near the shore of Lake Wingra. Both firms have received numerous awards for
sustainability in design and construction, including awards for projects previously completed on the Edgewood College campus. Dominican Hall, the College’s largest residence hall, became LEED certified in 2008. The
Potter Lawson/J.H. Findorff team shared that honor as well, constructing the first college or university residence hall in Wisconsin to be LEED certified by the USGBC.

Facebook Album of the dedication of The Stream in 2012.