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Noah gets acceptance letter.“Congratulations, Noah, and all our students in the Cutting Edge Program!”

What is the Cutting-Edge Program?
The Cutting-Edge program was initiated in 2007. It is the only program in Wisconsin and one of only about 40 programs nationwide that offers a fully integrated higher education experience for adult learners with intellectual challenges and other developmental disabilities like Down syndrome, autism spectrum, traumatic brain injuries, and cerebral palsy.

Using a structure of student-centered individualized advising and peer mentorship with graduate and undergraduate students, Cutting-Edge students are encouraged and assisted in their efforts to take courses, live independently on campus and in the community, take part in campus social events, clubs, interest groups and activities, and participate in community service, internship, and employment opportunities. The goal of the program is to offer students a full college experience that helps them develop the skills and self-determination necessary for post-school success.

Program Structure
Students in the Cutting-Edge program receive personalized advising to assist them in determining their course of study at the College. The program offers a number of degree and non-degree/certificate options. Students can enroll as traditional undergraduate students or can earn a Fine Arts Certificate, a Certificate in 21st Century Skills for Employment, or a Paraprofessional Educator Certificate.

A central component of the program, which helps ensure its continued success, is our structure of peer mentorship with graduate and undergraduate students. Peer mentors are critical to ensuring the full integration of Cutting-Edge students throughout all areas of campus life and play a vital role in their academic, social and personal development. Since the program began, approximately 500 undergraduate and graduate students at Edgewood College have been involved as study skills peer mentors, in-class peer mentors, social peer mentors, and residence life peer mentors.

The Cutting Edge Program at Edgewood College.