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Madison, Wis. (May 6, 2014) – Edgewood College announced today the lead gift to its endowment fund supporting the visual and performing arts at The Stream, its new center for the arts. The gift from the Pleasant T.
Rowland Foundation honors Diane Ballweg for her leadership of and generosity to many of Madison’s cultural and arts organizations. At the request of Ms. Rowland, the theatre at The Stream will be named the Diane Ballweg

“I am delighted to honor my friend Diane with this gift and to recognize her through the naming of the theatre at Edgewood College,” said Pleasant Rowland. “Diane has generously supported arts activities that have been
important to me. She was the first and largest contributor to the Great Performance Fund supporting resident companies at Overture Center, and she endowed the educational programming for the beautiful organ that graces
Overture Hall. My gift to Edgewood College simply returns her many gifts to arts organizations we both care deeply about.”

Ballweg has degrees from UW-Madison and Edgewood College, where she currently serves on the Board of Trustees. She is active on several arts boards, currently serving on the UW-Madison School of Music Board of Visitors,
and the Wisconsin Youth Symphony Orchestra Foundation Board.

“This is an honor that is hard to put into words,” Diane Ballweg said. “Both Pleasant and I remain committed to supporting our communities through education, especially arts education. Our students at Edgewood College,
and all who appreciate and support the arts, benefit from this gift. I am truly humbled and grateful.”

The Diane Ballweg Theatre is located in The Stream, the LEED® certified visual and theatre arts center located along the shore of Lake Wingra. 
