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Please join us for food, fun, friends, prizes, and live music by Teddy Davenport on May 4, from 3:00 – 5:30 p.m. in the
Washburn Heritage Room of Regina Hall on the Monroe Street Campus of Edgewood College. Entrance is free. Raffle tickets are available for purchase: 1 ticket for $10, 3 tickets for $25, or 5 tickets for $40. Great prizes
including a Green Home Care Package from Alvarado Real Estate, a one-night stay at the Arbor House, Permaculture consultation from Sustainability on Stilts, a Planet Bike commuter package, a Sustainability Business Network
membership from Sustain Dane, and more! Bring your gently used books, LPs, CDs, or DVDs to exchange in the Sustainability Swap. All proceeds from GROW! support the Sustainability Leadership Graduate Program Scholarship Fund.
The Sustainability Leadership Graduate Program prepares working professionals, career seekers, and career changers to lead transformational change for healthy, resilient organizations and communities. Come have some fun
while learning about the program from faculty, current students, alumni and friends! We hope to see you there!