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Madison, Wis. (June 26, 2014) – Even as many of us enjoy a break this summer, Wisconsin educators are heading back to school. This week marks the opening sessions of the National Institute of Financial and Economic
Literacy (NIFEL) at Edgewood College.

Since the NIFEL training was first conducted at Edgewood College in the summer of 2001, nearly
800 educators have benefited from the program, including 459 active Wisconsin teachers. Last
year, more than 36,000 Wisconsin students were taught personal finance by those state educators.

The courses are open to teachers of personal finance, family and consumer sciences, social
studies, economics, math, business and others who want to acquire the skills to teach personal
finance – financial counselors, technical college faculty, corrections staff and school principals
and administrators.

This week’s session, ‘Paychecks, Financial Contracts and Entrepreneurship,’ will be followed by ‘Investor Education, Economics and Insurance,’ and ‘Credit and Money’ in July 2014.

NIFEL is presented by the Wisconsin Jump$tart Coalition for Personal Financial Literacy and Edgewood College, with major funding from CBM Credit Education Foundation, Inc., with additional support from the Wisconsin
Department of Financial Institutions and its Office of Financial Literacy, the Wisconsin Credit Union League, Community Bankers of Wisconsin. The Wisconsin Bankers Association, and Inceptia.

The Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions and its Office of Financial Literacy takes a lead role in conjunction with CBM Credit Education Foundation in providing this initiative, which has been recognized as a
teacher training best practice by the U.S. Department of Treasury and the Federal Financial Literacy and Education Commission. 
