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Madison, Wis. (July 28, 2014) – The Painted Forest in Valton is the setting for a weekend of family fun through art making, August 2-3, 2014. The event includes exploring one of Wisconsin’s fascinating art environments
and learning to paint in the plein-air style on a postcard-size canvas. “Plein-air” simply refers to creating art through painting outside.


The workshop runs from 8:00 a.m. on Saturday until 4:00 p.m. on Sunday. Materials will be provided. Cash prizes will be awarded.


For more information, call 608-663-2307, or email Professor Bob Tarrell at The Painted Forest is located in Valton, Wisconsin at E846 Painted Forest


This opportunity is part of a statewide ‘Wandering Wisconsin’ event produced by the Kohler Foundation. For information on more locations and dates, email

or call 920-694-4534.


About the Painted Forest

The Painted Forest is a simple white frame building set on a hillside in the small community of Valton. Its treasure lies inside—where the walls and ceiling are covered with intriguing visionary murals painted in the
late 1890’s by an itinerant self-taught German painter, Ernst Hüpeden.


In October 2004, the Kohler Foundation gifted the Painted Forest to Edgewood College. As stewards of this important folk art treasure, the College has pledged to maintain the site and foster its role in educating
students, artists, researchers and the general public.
