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Headshot of Maggie Ballistreri-Clarke, in front of greeneryVice President for Student Development & Dean of Students Maggie Balistreri-Clarke will step down from her post at the end of the 2014-2015 academic year. Maggie has served as the chief student affairs officer for 21 years, and her impact has been felt by thousands of students, alumni, faculty, and staff.

On Maggie’s watch, the resident student population grew by hundreds of students, a comprehensive approach to student development was implemented, and retention rates moved from near the bottom of the College’s peer group to among the top.  In 2014, she was recognized by her peers when the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators named Maggie a “Pillar of the Profession.” Maggie was also instrumental in the campus master planning process, working with local neighborhood associations and various city agencies, making it possible for the College to continue improving and expanding campus facilities. While all of these accomplishments are noteworthy, none represents Maggie’s greatest achievement of service to countless students for over two decades as a trusted advisor, mentor, and advocate.

Maggie and the College community invite alumni to join in celebration of her 21 years of dedicated service to students on Thursday, April 30 on the Edgewood College campus. A reception will be held in the Washburn Heritage Room from 3:30pm – 6:00pm, with a brief program at 4:00pm. For more information about the event and to RSVP, contact Kathy O’Connor, Alumni Director, at or 608.663.6715.

Alumni are also invited to submit a special note about Maggie, which will be presented to her at her retirement. Those wishing to make a gift in Maggie’s honor to the New Residence Hall campaign may do so online.