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A Home Away From Home at Edgewood College

Erika Schauer, Junior

Hometown: Mayville, Wis.

Academic: Elementary Education Major; Math for Middle School Teaching Minor

Notable:  involved in Dominican Life, Edgewood College Aspiring Teachers, College Ambassadors, Residence Life Advisory Board, and a Resident Assistant for Dominican Hall.

Why Edgewood College?

I knew Edgewood College was the right choice for me as soon as I set foot on campus because it felt like “home.” This College offered me the best of both worlds with an ideal location in Madison, yet still offered all the benefits of a small school. When on my first tour, it struck me how friendly, excited, and welcoming everyone was. This tight knit community is one of the many benefits of a small campus, and it is very
comforting to see familiar faces wherever you go.

Benefits of a Small School

Erika Schauer

Coming from a rural Wisconsin town, I knew I would be able to thrive and have great opportunities when enrolling in a small school such as Edgewood College. I have had so many opportunities to get involved and have leadership roles on campus. The different organizations have given me many unique leadership roles and have allowed me to work along side great students, faculty, and staff. I feel as if my voice is heard on campus, something in which Edgewood College prides itself.

I also have had the opportunity to become involved in the Alternate Break trips through Dominican Life. Alternate Break trips are service trips to different locations over winter and spring break that are open to all
students at an affordable cost. My freshman year I worked with rural poverty through the Appalachia Service Project in West Virginia. Last year, I had the time of my life in Guatemala building a classroom and working with the children in the rural areas. These experiences of giving back have really made my experience here embody our Dominican tradition of “study, reflect, and act.” Because these experiences have changed my college career so much, I am leading a trip to Philadelphia to work with St. Vincent de Paul over spring break with hopes of giving other students the same life changing experience I had.

Experience as an Education Major

As a student in the School of Education, I have been very satisfied with the individual attention I receive and the quality and credibility of the professors. Every class really seems to have meaning and is very relatable to practicums in the classroom, something students start their sophomore year. Because of our Madison location, I have had the opportunity to be in four schools so far, all very different. Madison has quality public and private schools, all offering a great and diverse experience. The professors are very passionate and active in the Madison area and are fantastic resources for us post-graduation. They’re always welcoming us to their office! I feel like the School of Education has really prepared me for my career in the classroom.
