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Madison, Wis. (October 29, 2015) – Edgewood College is pleased to host Ask The Experts: Exploring Madison’s Achievement Gap.

The panel discussion, presented by the Simpson Street Free Press, features Madison journalists and community leaders.

The event takes place at 7:00 pm, Thursday, November 5, 2015, in Anderson Auditorium at Edgewood College. There is no charge to attend, and the public is invited.

Journalists include Deidre Green, Managing Editor of the Simpson Street Free Press, Michelle Li, News Anchor with WISC-TV, Scott Milfred, Editorial Page Editor of the
Wisconsin State Journal, and Jorge Isaac Zeballos, Assistant Editor at La Communidad.

Responding to the journalists are Derrell Connor, WIBA radio and member of the Verona School Board, Jack Daniels III, President of  Madison College,
Gloria Ladson-Billings of UW-Madison, and Jim Kramer, Executive Director of the Simpson Street Free Press.