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Trevon Ampe give a tour of new building

A paid summer internship turns into much more for Trevon Ampe.

“A close family friend works at Findorff, she let me know about an internship they were offering at Edgewood College.”

‘Findorff’ is J.H. Findorff and Sons, Inc., the company that’s building the new residence hall on campus, a new home for students beginning in the Fall of 2016.
Trevon Ampe

Trevon was hired as the Project Engineer Intern for the project, and spent his summer on a wide range of work: creating communications pieces for the College community, assisting with corporate communications for Findorff, and keeping the Madison neighborhood associations who are near campus informed. He also creates erosion control reports for the project, and keeps required certificates up to date, a critical area given the
close proximity of Lake Wingra.

After the summer, Trevon “still wanted to do this,” so he let his bosses know and was hired to continue his work while the project continues.

In addition to his administrative tasks, there is also lighter work, like the day this fall when he gave “hard hat” tours of the project to fellow students, benefactors of the College, and faculty and staff.

“I enjoy it. A lot, actually. It’s making me reconsider what I want to do after college. I really don’t want to sit at a desk after a job like this.”

This Physics major, a junior and a student-athlete, has no trouble staying active. And while many students work closely with Career Services for internships, in Trevon’s case it was being in the right place, at the right time, meeting the right people.

“Being on a job where every day is something new, running into different problems, you get to meet so many different people. It’s pretty cool.”

Enjoy the “beam-signing” and tours of the new residence hall in a Facebook album.

Go along on a brief video tour led by Trevon Ampe.