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Marchionda and Willits receive the Mazzuchelli Medallion

Madison, Wis. (November 5, 2015) – Edgewood College has honored Ann Willits, O.P. and Jim Marchionda, O.P. with the 2015 Mazzuchelli Medallion. The awarding of the Samuel Mazzuchelli medallion recognizes those who
cultivate intellectual and spiritual resources to empower others. The Medallion, one of the College’s most significant honors, is named for Fr. Samuel Mazzuchelli, who founded the Dominican Sisters of Sinsinawa.

“With this award, we recognize two Dominicans who individually and together, through scripture, music, story, poetry, and a network of worldwide relationships are building a more just and compassionate world,” Maggie
Hopkins, O.P., Vice President for Dominican Life and Mission, said.

“Sr. Ann and Fr. Jim’s witness and partnership as preachers and teachers encourages our Edgewood College community to be faithful to our mission to educate students for ethical leadership and service in a lifelong search
for truth.”

The dynamic pair have spent more than twenty years together, traveling across the country and around the world to conduct workshops, retreats, conferences and missions. Sr. Ann Willits, an accomplished poet, is perhaps
best known as a wonderful storyteller and teacher. Fr. Jim Marchionda currently serves as Prior Provincial of the Central Province of St. Albert the Great. A conductor, composer, singer and instrumentalist, he has
composed more than one hundred pieces of sacred music.

Photo: Fr. Jim Marchionda receives the Mazzuchelli Medallion from Dr. Scott Flanagan, President of Edgewood College. Co-honoree Sr. Ann Willits (l.) and Sr. Maggie Hopkins (r.) look on.

Video from the event is available online.
