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Dr. Lynne Edebohls, DNP ’16 was honored with the Edgewood Engaged “Award for Outstanding Graduate Research” for her work entitled 
Evaluation of Barriers Food Pantry Participants in South Central Wisconsin Face in Obtaining, Preparing and Consuming Fresh Fruits and Vegetables.  Dr. Edebohls interviewed participants in two local food
pantries (one urban, one rural) to identify usage patterns and barriers to fresh food selections.  

Dr. Christina Bell, MSN ’06, DNP ’17 was the May 2017 Commencement speaker representing graduate programs.
Dr. Julie Astrella, DNP ’17 had her manuscript accepted to JONA (Journal of Nursing Administration). Julie is publishing some of her work done in her DNP program, titled
Return on Investment: Evaluating the Financial Outcomes Regarding Workplace Wellness Programs

At the fall of 2016 Council on Graduate Education for Administration in Nursing (CGEAN) conference in Orlando, Fla., three Edgewood College DNP alumni presented. 

Dr. Karil Walther, MSN ’12, DNP ’16 presented her capstone project work
Nurse Manager Span of Control and Unit Based Outcomes: RN Satisfaction, Patient Satisfaction and Nurse Sensitive Clinical Measures (podium).  

Dr. Brooke Anderson, DNP ’16 presented her capstone project work Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems and Adult Pain Management in the United States (poster).

Dr. Barbara Pinekenstein, DNP ’15 had three abstracts accepted in the areas of her post-degree work in mentoring and nurse’s sleep hygiene. Further, Dr. Pinekenstein presented at the 43rd Sigma
Theta Tau International (STTI) Biennial Convention held in Las Vegas, NV, 7-11 November 2015.  The title of her work is Policy & Practice: Rapid Health Impact Assessment (HIA) as a Leadership Tool.
 This project was completed by Dr. Pinekenstein and other members of her class when working with faculty Jennifer Weitzel in the DNP Health Policy class. In addition, she and Dr. Roberta Pawlak, Associate Dean
for Graduate Programs, presented a poster at the STTI Convention entitled Experienced Nurse Executive: A Customized Advanced Nursing Leader Model for Professional Development. This work was influenced by the DNP
Residency model at Edgewood College.

The Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) Degree
The Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) is a clinical doctorate degree, accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education
(CCNE).  The type of DNP program that Edgewood College offers is in indirect care, or Leadership.  This degree offers courses in public health, policy, informatics, healthcare finance, evidence-based practice,
and quality.

In addition, there are clinical hours (Residency) and a DNP project.The DNP projects are designed to equip nurses with the knowledge and skills necessary to advance the application of evidence in a clinical practice

Examples of our DNP student’s projects:

Evaluation of an intervention to reduce 30-day Readmissions in a Critical Access Hospital (Jennie Kast)

Exploring the Existence of Compassion Fatigue, Compassion Satisfaction and Job Satisfaction among Nurses (Stacie Rhinehart)

Shift Nurse’ Sleep Hygiene and Sleep Quality (Kari Fisher)

Setting a Discharge Date and Time to Improve Patient Satisfaction on the Speed of Discharge (Jessica Dern)

The Effectiveness and Use of Mentors in Nursing Leadership in Healthcare Settings (Barb Pinekenstein)

Evaluation of a Nursing Care Delivery System at a Major Academic Medical Center (Dawn Berndt)

Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems and Adult Pain Management in the United States (Brooke Anderson)

Evaluation of a Volunteer Program to Increase Registered Nurses’ Professional Time (Carrie Bennett)

Nurse Manager Span of Control and Unit Based Outcomes: RN Satisfaction, Patient Satisfaction and Nurse Sensitive Clinical Measures (Karil Walther)

Evaluation of Barriers Food Pantry Participants in South Central Wisconsin Face in Obtaining, Preparing and Consuming Fresh Fruits and Vegetables (Lynne Edebohols) 

Perceived Impact of an Undergraduate Global Service-Learning Experience on Current Practice (Claude Rochon)

Nurse Retention Indicators in Professional Nursing Practice (Debra Bryant)

Clinical Faculty Experience of Role Strain (Julie Astrella)

Informal Caregivers of the Home-bound Elderly Enrolled in a Pilot Home-based Primary Care Program: Evaluation of Experiences and Perceived Needs (Peggy Troller)

Impact of Nursing Student’s Free Clinic Experiences on Current Professional Nursing Practice (Christina Bell)

Interprofessional Approach to Enhancing Medication Safety: Creating an Independent Double-check Protocol for Subcutaneous Insulin Administration (Sara Darby)