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Five faculty members attended the National Nurse Educator Summit in Orlando, Florida April 2-April 5.  More than 400 educators from throughout the U.S. were in attendance.   Our faculty members included Melissa
Dabel RN, DNP, Kristen Gabriel RN, MS, Barb Gallolgy RN, MS, Colleen Gullickson RN, Ph.D., Julie Hudziak RN Ph.D (C).   The selection of breakout sessions over the three days included topics such as: “Student
evaluation:  Ethical and Legal Considerations,” “Developing Appropriate Writing Assignments,” “Using Debriefing for Meaningful Learning in Clinical Postconference,” “Interprofessional Education and Practice: Putting All
the Pieces Together,” and “Preparing Nurses for Healthcare Policy” presented by Dr. Pamela Jeffries.  Dr. Patricia Benner was present for a book signing and discussed use of the educating nurses website she developed.
The conference was hosted by ATI Nursing (Assessment Technologies Incorporated).

ATI has become a national leader in developing educational materials, testing practices and online learning products for undergraduate students.  This past year, our faculty voted to enhance our commitment to
implementing new teaching materials and strategies that better fit the current UG student’s learning needs by enrolling in the ATI Complete Partnership Program.  This includes increasing access to online review modules,
focused reviews of content, standardized learning templates and practice exams designed to better prepare for NCLEX success.  ATI educational consultants will work with our faculty throughout the adaptation process.
 Faculty members attended a two-day ATI orientation on campus   to learn the principles of ATI management.  The School of Nursing has developed an ATI Champion committee to lead this implementation: Katie
Selle RN, MS, Quinn Mullikin Ph.D and Assistant Dean, Colleen Gullickson RN, Ph.D., Melissa Dabel RN, DNP, Julie Hudziak RN, Ph.D. (C), Barb Gallogly RN, MS, Kristen Gabriel RN, MS, April Yerges RN, Ph.D. (C). Implementation
of ATI materials will begin Fall 2017.  

The United Nations of Dane County has awarded Edgewood College’s Cambodia Service Learning Trip with a grant of $2500.00 to $3000.00 this year to support the work the students and faculty are doing in Cambodia. 

The Lafayette County Newsletter featured students in Professor Knellwolf’ s class in their newsletter. 

The Henry Predolin School of Nursing was recently awarded $5,000 from SSM Health to expand current programming offered to residents of community clinical site, Triangle Community Ministry, Inc. This gift will be used to
elevate initiatives related to diabetes education, including support of expenses related to healthy food and cooking classes, foot care clinic supplies, and educational tools. Thank you SSM Health! 

A new course, Transcultural Nursing in St. Lucia:  Global Health Perspectives, Health Care Systems, and the Nursing Role, will be offered to
undergraduate nursing students starting in Fall 2017 by Professor Barbara Gallogly MSN, RN-BC.  This will
be a three-part course which will include a pre-immersion classroom instruction, a three-week field immersion experience, and a post-immersion reflective course.  The goals of both the classroom and field experience is
that students will demonstrate increased cultural awareness, cultural sensitivity, cultural knowledge, cultural humility, and adaptability. Professor Gallogly worked as a nurse at St. Jude Hospital in Vieux Fort, St. Lucia
more than 30 years ago.  This experience changed the lens through which she practices nursing.  She hopes that this course will have the same impact on our future nurse professionals.  Through this course, it
is anticipated that students will acquire critical knowledge and insight in developing a personal philosophy related to cultural competency and transcultural nursing care. “In our increasingly diverse world we need our new
nurses to have experiences like this, so that they can deliver culturally sensitive care in any practice setting,” Gallogly said.