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Madison, Wis. (September 6, 2017) – (Dr. Scott Flanagan, President, shared the following message with the entire Edgewood College community regarding this week’s decision on the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals federal immigration policy.)

I know many of you share my concern about yesterday’s announcement that DACA will be winding down over the next six months. Taking this step without corresponding legislative action creates great uncertainty for many on our campus and in our local community. Further, this step runs counter both to our commitment to create a more inclusive campus climate and the principles of Catholic social teaching—particularly important as we focus this year on the Dominican value of justice.

Last Friday, I reached out to United States Senators Baldwin and Johnson and to Congressman Pocan. In that communication, I registered my concern about the possibility of this step and my support for prompt legislative action, and I engaged with Congressional staff during the day yesterday. These steps follow previous efforts in support of DACA–in fact, Sen. Baldwin and I discussed this topic during her visit to campus in early August, and last winter I signed two letters with many of my presidential colleagues in support of DACA. As a member of the Board of Directors for the National Association for Independent Colleges and Universities, I will continue to advocate for a quick resolution that allows the young people currently under DACA to continue pursuing their dreams and contributing to a stronger society—as they have been doing for years.

I would remind all of us of a few important points:

  • First, a reaffirmation of our commitments to our Dreamer students—the offers of admission, financial aid, etc. that we have offered to you are not affected by yesterday’s announcement. We support your aspirations, we believe in you, and we value the many contributions and gifts that you share with us daily.
  • The College has web pages, updated yesterday to include relevant information for students who are undocumented or covered under DACA. Those pages serve as an important resource as this situation continues to unfold.
  • Support areas across campus stand ready to offer their assistance. Among those areas:
    • Wellness Center
    • Center for Global Education
    • Dean of Students Office
    • Office of Student Inclusion and Involvement
    • Academic Deans Office
    • Human Resources
    • Edgewood Central
    • Dominican Mission

Finally, a reminder that the College’s privacy policies protect sharing of detailed student information without a warrant or other request that legally compels a reply. We will continue to do what we can to provide a learning environment where every student can pursue their educational goals without fear.

Being a member of a community carries the responsibility to create an environment where every member of that community can be at their best…and our learning community includes individuals affected by this action, both directly and indirectly. Please join me in extending support and advocacy to any students, faculty, or staff who are left to deal with the uncertainty created by this action. May our community provide an example of inclusion at a time of such deep divide in our society.

-Dr. Scott Flanagan, President ###