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Madison, Wis. (January 7, 2021) – Andrew P. Manion, Ph.D., President of Edgewood College, shared this message with students, faculty, and staff this morning:

“Dear Students and Colleagues –

“Good morning. The sun has come up and our democracy still stands. The end of a destructive and antidemocratic regime is at hand. During yesterday’s violence at our nation’s Capitol Building, we were again reminded of
how precious our democracy is. After the reconvening of Congress to complete their Constitutional task of certifying the presidential election, we were again reminded of how strong it is.

“‘Today we are weary of hate, we are weary of lies and conspiracies about a stolen election and fraud, we are weary of the politics of division and vitriol,’ writes Sojourners President Adam Russell Taylor. ‘We are weary
of the corrosive cancers of white nationalism and white supremacy that disfigure and threaten our democracy.’

“Today we also are grateful for the 240-year tradition of the peaceful transfer of presidential power. I am especially grateful to be part of a community committed to social justice.

Cor ad cor loquitur.”