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Madison, Wis. (May 26, 2021) – Please join us on Friday, June 11th at 4:30 p.m. to celebrate our esteemed colleague and friend, Denis Collins, who passed away on February 25, 2021. We will give
thanks for Denis’ service to our students and to the College, and for the giving of his time and emotional support to the College and greater Madison communities. 

Thanks to generous gifts from Denis’ friends, family, and members of the Edgewood College community, the Denis Collins Service Appreciation Fund reached its goal, and a beautiful bench has been
purchased in his honor.  We will dedicate this bench in Denis’ memory at this time near the 
Bird Effigy Mound, which he passed on his way to the office and home each day.  It is
our hope this provides a comfortable space for people to reflect on Denis’ life and for them to draw inspiration from his dedication to an ethical life of service. 

Denis’ family has requested that future gifts made in his memory will be designated to

the Denis Collins Scholarship

, which is a rejuvenation of a fund he created to help Edgewood College students in financial need purchase textbooks for their classes and will also provide scholarships.