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The Search for Truth

Learning: Anchored in our Dominican heritage…

The search for truth is one of our five Sinsinawa Dominican values.  Truth—Veritas—is the principal motto of the Dominicans, and we are the heirs of the intellectual and spiritual search for truth.

Beliefs: What does this really mean to us… 

As a Dominican college, we believe that the liberal arts offer us the most compelling means through which to engage in the search for truth.

Action: What are we called to do…

Because searching for truth is an active process, we will practice such critical skills as listening, encouraging, challenging, imagining and reflecting as we discern among many truths.

Full text of The Search for Truth document

(We acknowledge and are grateful for the contributions of the “Meeting the Charism Again/For the First Time” project, from which this is taken.)



Learning: Anchored in our Dominican heritage…

The story of Dominic is one of compassion – as a young college student he sold his books to feed those who were starving.

Beliefs: What does this really mean to us…

We believe the suffering of others cries out for our compassionate response.

Action: What we are called to do…

To educate ourselves about the needs and suffering of our brothers and sisters near and far.

Full text of Compassion document



Learning: Anchored in our Dominican heritage…

St. Dominican de Guzman founded the order of preachers to preach the Gospel and to nurture relations among people of every rank and class, based upon recognition of their basic needs and human dignity.

Beliefs: What does this really mean to us…

As a Dominican college, our core mission values impel us to study the needs of our times and promote changes that ensure justice for all people and the well-being of all creation. 

Action: What are we called to do…

To become literate about differences among us.

Full text of Justice document


Learning: Anchored in our Dominican heritage…

Saint Paul defined the nature of partnership: “We, though many are one body, individually parts of one another. Since we have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us exercise them.” (Romans 12: 4-6)

Beliefs: What does this really mean to us…

Partnerships are honest, open, and respectful commitments to a shared purpose.

Action: What is this calling us to do…

Promote partnerships as essential to our existence as a community and to realizing our Mission.

Full text of Partnership document



Learning: Anchored in our Dominican heritage...

The early Christians expressed Jesus’ vision of the reign of God by placing their respective gifts at the service of the community (Ephesians 4:11-13) 

Beliefs: What this really mean to us…

Our community welcomes individuals who reflect a rich diversity of characteristics, cultures and perspectives that enrich our life together.  

Action: Community calls us to ...

Communicate honestly and openly, share ideas and discoveries, listen with respect, and encourage one another with suggestions that are both helpful and challenging for growth.

Full text of Community document